Monday, October 29, 2018

Week 8 Questions

  What do the visual aspects on the site (especially pictures) communicate about who is a member or part of their community/church?

Based off the website, it seems as though the members are primarily young adults. Almost every picture features a member who appears to be around the 20-40 age range. The fact that their site is so cleanly formatted, and extremely up to date, it is obvious they have a youthful way about them.

What do these churches seem to value based on the content/features/themes they highlight on their site?

I would say that based on the content on their site, the Block church values community and openness. In almost every photo people are working alongside with one another whether it be singing together, or praying. In addition, everyone in the pictures is wearing normal everyday attire, which to me shows that they have more of an emphasis on being progressive as opposed to other more orthodox churches.

 What story do the design and visual aspects of the websites communicate about what makes them a church, and what are their unique characteristics?

What I found most compelling about the Block Church's site was how much they emphasized "The Block". Basically every subsection of the website the "The Block" in it. For example, they have things like, "Be the Block" :Block Worship" "Block Youth". This communicates that what makes the Block Church unique is that they truly put value in the church and community instead of just solely focusing on the religion itself.

 What would you say are the top priorities of this church, based on the aspects of their services or ministries they highlight?

On the website they note how, "Certainly, we need to attend services and hear God’s word as well as worship in song and giving. BUT, something happens when you sit in a living room with a small group of others who have the same questions and who are going through the same things." This line highlights their top priority of the church, which is community. Through pictures of people being joyous while working together, and the use of text, The Block Church does a phenomenal job using their site to show exactly what their church is all about.

Sean Lonergan 

Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Block Church Experience

I am Sean Lonergan, and I will be writing my blog posts on the Block Church in Philadelphia. This church uses has a strong relationship with media, and through their website are able to connect with the community.

Web Link:

Sean Lonergan

Case Study Presentation: The Block Church

Church Studied: The Block Church Religious identity and mission : The Block Church is a non-denominational Christian multi site church t...