Week 10: The Multimedia Presence
This week I will be
examining the multimedia videos that are present on the Block Churches website.
The first video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=91&v=reQbY7VRCOk)
is an introductory video welcoming viewers to the block, and explains what it
means to be apart of the church. This video does a great job of using text and
video to make their mission clear. In each of the video captures below, you can
see that they incorporated both visuals and text to get their point across.
Based off the material incorporated in the video it is clear that the Block
church puts great value in helping others through various volunteer events. The
two photos below depict a member of the church carrying out tasks such as
painting, and taking out the trash. In addition to being charitable, one of the
other major themes present in this video is how the block church is all about forgetting
the past and starting fresh with the other members of the Block. One of the
texts that appears during the video states “It’s not about where you are from,
we want you to come just as you are and never leave the same”. Overall this introductory
video does a terrific job at highlighting what the church stands for.
The Second video I observed is one of their sermon’s titled “Stay
in the Overflow – Go With The Flow” (https://www.youtube.com/watchlist=PLAl6F6cEv4wZCJC6QZWbsPfA8qttyoaT9&time_continue=29&v=rD2BKKp_mz0)
At 5:50 the speaker states the main goal of the sermon which he states is, “I want you to not waste your overflow, I want you to learn to return it with gratitude. Following that statement he goes on to talk about certain passages in the Bible and wraps up with communion. Overall, the thing that stood out to me the most during this sermon was how casually dressed everyone was, even the speaker (as shown below) was wearing very casual attire. I think this highlights how the Block church is very progressive when it comes to most aspects. There was also a laptop and electronic keyboard right behind the speaker, again highlighting their progressive use of technology. When it came the text on this video, there would be certain phrases/passages that would pop in and out throughout the entirety of the video. The younger generation's attention span has grown smaller and smaller, so by putting the main points in text on the bottom helps the viewer get the main ideas of the sermon even if they weren't paying attention to the entire video.
At 5:50 the speaker states the main goal of the sermon which he states is, “I want you to not waste your overflow, I want you to learn to return it with gratitude. Following that statement he goes on to talk about certain passages in the Bible and wraps up with communion. Overall, the thing that stood out to me the most during this sermon was how casually dressed everyone was, even the speaker (as shown below) was wearing very casual attire. I think this highlights how the Block church is very progressive when it comes to most aspects. There was also a laptop and electronic keyboard right behind the speaker, again highlighting their progressive use of technology. When it came the text on this video, there would be certain phrases/passages that would pop in and out throughout the entirety of the video. The younger generation's attention span has grown smaller and smaller, so by putting the main points in text on the bottom helps the viewer get the main ideas of the sermon even if they weren't paying attention to the entire video.
Good overview of videos. It would be helpful if you could be more specific in regards to what phrase in the video or specific images helped you understand the church mission. Also you did not respond to the question: What message about the mission of the "Church" is modeled and communicated in these videos specifically and the type of multi-media materials they provide generally on the site? or offer a summary of how you see the mission represented. Please do this.